Nine Ball VSR-10 Hop Up Bucking (also fits P226, Hi-CAPA, G26, SOCOM)
The Nine Ball (Laylax) made in Japan VSR-10 Hop Up Bucking that also fits the gas Marui P226, HiCAPA, G26,...
The Nine Ball (Laylax) made in Japan VSR-10 Hop Up Bucking that also fits the gas Marui P226, HiCAPA, G26, M1911, HI-CAPA, and MK23 SOCOM guns. A great replacement hop up unit for your VSR or gas gun. Very popular and one of our best sellers.
Popular bucking for use in the Action Army hopup chamber upgrade too!

Nine Ball VSR-10 Hop Up Bucking (also fits P226, Hi-CAPA, G26, SOCOM)